Convert Picture Crashing 4D
Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami
2017-02-06 22:02:07 UTC

We are starting the preparations for v16, and dealing with the picture issues. Let’s just say we have tons of ancient photos in our database! We are currently using v15.3 on a Mac (server - client).

Basically, we are trying to convert all pictures to jpg. Unfortunately, doing this crashed 4D:
CONVERT PICTURE([Members]Picture;".jpg";0.8)

Even putting the picture field into a variable before converting crashes during the “Convert Picture.” It’s not all picture, just many of them. By crash, the 4D.app just quits to the desktop with a crash report.

I can view these pictures just fine in an input form. If I copy the picture out of the input form, into another app, then back in, the conversion works fine.

Anyone have any tips on how to approach this? If I run the method to execute on server, the whole server crashes…


Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami
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Keisuke Miyako
2017-02-06 23:16:50 UTC
sounds like the header of the JPEG (or maybe it's QuickTime, who knows...) has a bad offset value.

are you using a 32-bit version of 4D?
is QuickTime activated?
does it really have to be JPEG (as opposed to, say, PNG)?
do you really need to apply compression?

why not call GET PICTURE FORMATS before you apply the conversion on the suspicious picture?

2017/02/07 7:02、Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami <***@hindu.org<mailto:***@hindu.org>> のメール:
I can view these pictures just fine in an input form. If I copy the picture out of the input form, into another app, then back in, the conversion works fine.
Anyone have any tips on how to approach this? If I run the method to execute on server, the whole server crashes…

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Keisuke Miyako
2017-02-06 23:22:49 UTC
if the picture contains multiple formats,
including the format you specified,
the command simply uses the existing copy.

to really force a conversion, you might want to avoid JPEG

2017/02/07 7:02、Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami <***@hindu.org<mailto:***@hindu.org>> のメール:
CONVERT PICTURE([Members]Picture;".jpg";0.8)

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Charles Miller
2017-02-07 01:03:58 UTC
We have found many problems with running convert many pictures using v15.x (1,2,and 3).

Make sure as others have said that
1. Quick time enabled on server
2. Quick time installed-
3. check to see if picture compressed and if so uncompress first
4 Run on client not server.
5. Also I would not go to PNG, we have found that when converting to PNG pictures get huge, what was 1.2 meg as a pict in 4D can become 20 meg as a png

6. Another option is to print to pdf and then use acrobat professional or some other tool to convert to jpeg and any other format of you choice. Doing this means you will have to name files and then re-import same

7. You might also try write picture file and then read it and convert form there

FYI we have over 500,000 pictures that we had to convert


Chuck Miller Voice: (617) 739-0306
Informed Solutions, Inc. Fax: (617) 232-1064
mailto:miller.cjay<AT SIGN>gmail.com <http://gmail.com/>
Brookline, MA 02446 USA Registered 4D Developer
Providers of 4D and Sybase connectivity
Post by Keisuke Miyako
if the picture contains multiple formats,
including the format you specified,
the command simply uses the existing copy.
to really force a conversion, you might want to avoid JPEG
CONVERT PICTURE([Members]Picture;".jpg";0.8)
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Keisuke Miyako
2017-02-07 01:10:35 UTC
this really depends on the nature of the picture.

PNG compresses bitmap without losing any information.

JPEG is a more heuristic kind of algorithm for natural photos,
where similar colours blend into each other
but contrasting colours can create ugly pixels on the edges.

2017/02/07 10:03、Charles Miller <***@gmail.com<mailto:***@gmail.com>> のメール:
5. Also I would not go to PNG, we have found that when converting to PNG pictures get huge, what was 1.2 meg as a pict in 4D can become 20 meg as a png

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Chuck Miller
2017-02-07 15:05:16 UTC
I agree in principle, but inside 4D when pictures are drawings saved as picts results can be off the charts form a size standpoint. I have tried converting some of these outside of 4D with same results, so I am just saying be careful

If desired, I can email you off list a few of these picts so you can test for yourself


Chuck Miller Voice: (617) 739-0306
Informed Solutions, Inc. Fax: (617) 232-1064
mailto:cjmiller<AT SIGN>informed-solutions.com
Brookline, MA 02446 USA Registered 4D Developer
Providers of 4D and Sybase connectivity
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Post by Keisuke Miyako
this really depends on the nature of the picture.
PNG compresses bitmap without losing any information.
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Nigel Greenlee
2017-02-07 09:36:07 UTC

Hi-if you having trouble with 4D crashing it you might consider exporting the picture in the what ever format it currently is and then using LEP to call the command line to convert it to a JPG, then you can re-import the new picture.

https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/sips.1.html <https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/sips.1.html>

Nigel Greenlee
Post by Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami
We are starting the preparations for v16, and dealing with the picture issues. Let’s just say we have tons of ancient photos in our database! We are currently using v15.3 on a Mac (server - client).
CONVERT PICTURE([Members]Picture;".jpg";0.8)
Even putting the picture field into a variable before converting crashes during the “Convert Picture.” It’s not all picture, just many of them. By crash, the 4D.app just quits to the desktop with a crash report.
I can view these pictures just fine in an input form. If I copy the picture out of the input form, into another app, then back in, the conversion works fine.
Anyone have any tips on how to approach this? If I run the method to execute on server, the whole server crashes…
Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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Nigel Greenlee
2017-02-07 10:41:11 UTC

Sorry i should have been more explanatory there..something like this(this all assumes the picture does load in the record)

$Path:=System folder(Documents folder)
If (Test path name($Path)#Is a folder)
End if
$OutPath:=$path+Folder separator+"Converted_Pictures"
If (Test path name($OutPath)#Is a folder)
End if
$OutPath:=$OutPath+Folder separator

For ($i;1;Records in selection([TABLE]))
If (Picture size([TABLE]Picture_pic)>0)

PICTURE TO BLOB([TABLE]Picture_pic;$_aPicBlob;".jpg”)<-if this does not work try something else
$doc:=Create document($Path+Folder separator+$_t_DocName+".jpg")
BLOB TO DOCUMENT($Path+Folder separator+$_t_DocName+".jpg";$_aPicBlob)
$PosixPath:=Convert path system to POSIX($Path+Folder separator+$_t_DocName+".jpg")
$OutPosixPath:=Convert path system to POSIX($OutPath+$_t_DocName+".png")
$_t_Script:="sips -s format png "+$PosixPath+" --out "+$OutPosixPath
end if
//here you would get the image from the new document back into the record if that is what you are planning to do

End for

I cant say if that will be any better-but if this will convert the picture(or even just export it in JPEG format) then you can open the image in preview and if it is loading there can then bring the JPEG back into the record.
Post by Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami
Hi-if you having trouble with 4D crashing it you might consider exporting the picture in the what ever format it currently is and then using LEP to call the command line to convert it to a JPG, then you can re-import the new picture.
https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/sips.1.html <https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/sips.1.html>
Nigel Greenlee
Post by Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami
We are starting the preparations for v16, and dealing with the picture issues. Let’s just say we have tons of ancient photos in our database! We are currently using v15.3 on a Mac (server - client).
CONVERT PICTURE([Members]Picture;".jpg";0.8)
Even putting the picture field into a variable before converting crashes during the “Convert Picture.” It’s not all picture, just many of them. By crash, the 4D.app just quits to the desktop with a crash report.
I can view these pictures just fine in an input form. If I copy the picture out of the input form, into another app, then back in, the conversion works fine.
Anyone have any tips on how to approach this? If I run the method to execute on server, the whole server crashes…
Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami
2017-02-09 02:14:12 UTC

Thanks Nigel, and all. Even exporting the picture also causes a crash on some of the pictures.

I’ll do some more testing.

In answer to Charles’s questions, both server and client are on a Mac, so quicktime is installed by default. I don’t see how to determine if a picture is compressed.

I’ll try these things next:
Convert to PNG. If that works, convert again to JPG
Try the obsolete " _o_QT COMPRESS PICTURE”

I’ll let you all know what works for these funky pictures.

Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami

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Nigel Greenlee
2017-02-09 09:03:03 UTC

Did you try

SET PICTURE TO PASTEBOARD ? with the crashing pictures. If that does not crash that might give you an option(get clipboard data..etc etc....if it does i think if you can’t then resolve it using Brunos' picture analysis code you will need to kiss them records goodbye.

Good luck.

Post by Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami
Thanks Nigel, and all. Even exporting the picture also causes a crash on some of the pictures.
I’ll do some more testing.
In answer to Charles’s questions, both server and client are on a Mac, so quicktime is installed by default. I don’t see how to determine if a picture is compressed.
Convert to PNG. If that works, convert again to JPG
Try the obsolete " _o_QT COMPRESS PICTURE”
I’ll let you all know what works for these funky pictures.
Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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Chuck Miller
2017-02-10 03:21:35 UTC
Also create 2 forms one vertical one horizontal Get pict eight and width put into pict variablle print form too pdf with some identifiable name

Chuck Miller Voice: (617) 739-0306
Informed Solutions, Inc. Fax: (617) 232-1064
mailto:cjmiller<AT SIGN>informed-solutions.com
Brookline, MA 02446 USA Registered 4D Developer
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Post by Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami
Convert to PNG. If that works, convert again to JPG
Try the obsolete " _o_QT COMPRESS PICTURE”
I’ll let you all know what works for these funky pictures.
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Bernd Fröhlich
2017-02-07 09:54:21 UTC
Post by Nigel Greenlee
Hi-if you having trouble with 4D crashing it you might consider exporting the picture in the what ever format it currently is and then using LEP to call the command line to convert it to a JPG, then you can re-import the new picture.
Or export all, use GraphicConverter to do the conversion (it can do batch-conversions) and import again.

Greetings from Germany,
Bernd Fröhlich
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2017-02-07 09:54:00 UTC

Take a look here :

It is 4D code to parse internal 4D picture format (and extract the various original format picture data).

You can test it to see what's wrong with your pictures…

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Nigel Greenlee
2017-02-07 10:47:25 UTC

Nice code.-solid bit of work there..don't mind if I take a copy do you.

Nigel Greenlee
Post by Bruno LEGAY
It is 4D code to parse internal 4D picture format (and extract the various original format picture data).
You can test it to see what's wrong with your pictures…
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Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami
2017-02-09 02:17:15 UTC
Missed this first time around. I’ll try this first to see what’s up with the pictures!

Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami

On 7 Feb 2017, at 09:54, Bruno LEGAY <***@ac-consulting.fr> wrote:


Take a look here :

It is 4D code to parse internal 4D picture format (and extract the various original format picture data).

You can test it to see what's wrong with your pictures…
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David Adams
2017-02-09 02:50:51 UTC
Since you're on a Mac, the earlier suggestion of batch processing with
GraphicConverter is worth a shot. It's not the prettiest program on earth,
and it's definitely not free...but it's got a lot of grunt under the hood.
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